Sialens ABC y dydd 24.03.20 Daily ABC challenge
Gobeithio eich bod chi gyd yn iawn yn y byd dychrynllud a’r amgylchiadau rhyfedd iawn yma da ni’n ffeindio’n hunain ynddo.
O dan yr amgylchiadau, fel y dychmygwch, mae Oriel Carn ar gau am y dyfodol rhagweladwy, nes ei bod hi’n saff i ailagor. Ac felly, golygai hyn na allwn ni barhau a’r seisynnau ABC yn ein fformat arferol yn yr Oriel. Ond wrth geisio aros yn posatif a parhau gyda’n gweithgareddau, mi fyddwn ni yn ceisio parhau i gynnal gweithgareddau ar-lein, ar ein gwefan neu ar ein cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Ac oherwydd ein bodyn gwybod bod plant adra o’r ysgol am y dyfodol rhagweladwy, penderfynwyd tîm trefnu CARN, y byswn ni yn cynnal sesiwn digidol ABC bob bore rhwng 10:30 - 12:30 yn ystod yr wythnos(Dydd Llun - Gwener) gyda sialens y dydd a bod plant a rhieni, pawb yn ymateb fel hoffen nhw i’r thema.Os hoffen chi, mi allwch chi dynnu llun o’r gwaith creu a tagio #ABCCarn yn y llun a wnawni bostio nhw arlein i bawb cael gweld.
Ond does dim pwysau ar neb i wneud hyn, jest yn meddwl y byddai’n ffordd da o gael rhannu y gwaith arbennig fydd yn cael eu creu!
Hefyd, os hoffech gynnig thêm neu themau ini, fysa ni wrth ein boddau clywed gynnoch chi
Weler manylion sesiwn heddiw isod
O ran sesiynnau misol ar fore Sadwrn cyntaf y mis, da ni dal am geisio cynnal hein arlein fyd. Felly yn cael un o’n aelodau i gynnal sesiwn a’i recordio ini. Bydd rhain ar gael ar ein gwefan a’n sianel YouTube. Rydym ni wrthi yn trefnu rhain, felly wnawn ni gysylltu eto gyda manylion am rhain.
Gan obeithio bod chi gyd yn cadw’n saff ac iach
Diolch Menna a’r tîm —————————— We hope you are all right in the world of terror and these very strange circumstances we find ourselves in.
Under the circumstances, as you can imagine, Oriel Carn is closed for the foreseeable future, until it is safe to reopen. So, this meant that we can't continue the ABC sessions in our normal format at the gallery.
And as we try to stay positive and keep up with our activities, we will try to continue our activities online, on our website or on social media.
And as we know that children are home from school for the foreseeable future we, the CARN team, decided to hold daily ABC digital sessions every morning between 10:30 - 12:30 on weekdays (Monday - Friday) with a new daily challenge where children and parents, everyone can respond as they wish to the theme.
If you like, you can take a picture of the work created and tag #ABCCarn in the picture and we'll post them online for everyone to see :)
But there is no pressure for anyone to do this, we just thought it would be a good way to share the wonderful work that will be created!
Also, if you would like to offer us a theme or themes, we'd love to hear from you
See details about today's session below
In terms of the monthly sessions on the first Saturday of the month, we hope to keep hosting these, but online. By having one of our members do a session and record it or live feed it for us. These will be available on our website and YouTube channel. We are currently in the process of arranging these, so we will contact you again with details on these.
Hope you're all staying safe and healthy
Thank you
Menna and the team