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Darlunio Byw | Life Drawing

12 Nov 2018 - 12 Nov 2018

Start Time: 17:30 - End Time: 20:30 | BALACLAFA | £15 | £10 (gostyngiad i disgyblion/myfyrwyr/aelodau CARN | discount for pupls/students/CARN members)

Darlunio Byw | Life Drawing

Pob Nos Lun | Every Monday Evening

Tachwedd | Novemeber

5:30 - 8:30pm

gyda | with Rob Parsonson



Darlunio Byw | Life Drawing

gyda | with

Rob Parsonson

Sesiynnau darlunio byw 3 awr gyda model a deunyddiau

Bydd yr artist yn eich arwain chi drwy wahanol ddulliau o ddarlunio byw

RHAID bod yn 16+ oed

£15 | £10 y sesiwn

(gostyniad i fyfyrwyr/disgyblion ysgol/aelodau CARN)

Y pris yn cynnwys costau y model, deunyddiau a thiwtor

Am rhagor o wybodaeth neu i archebu lle :

3-hour life drawing sessions with a model and materials.

The artist will guide you through different methods of life drawing within the sessions.

MUST be of 16+ years old

£15 | £10 per session

(discount for students/school pupils /CARN members)

Price includes model, tutor and materials costs

For further information or to book your place: